Straight Shaving Razors - Barber Razor
Few tools in the barbering and grooming wings are as iconic and reliable as the straight shaving razor – or referred to by most people, especially barbers, as a barber razor. The straight razor is a type Size of thin, ground to fine cutting edge blade for accurate cuts with the help of K5 International.
Straight Shaving Razors — Top 3 Features and Benefits
1: Superior Precision
2: Closest Shave Possible
3: Durability and Longevity
4: Eco-Friendly Grooming
5: Classic Barbering Experience
Straight Razor Maintenance Guide:
Firstly, a straight razor must be properly maintained if you want it at its best.
Before Each use, Stropping every day (helps to align the blade edge for a close, smooth shave )
Honing and sharpening: occasional honing or re-sharpen will keep the blade fresh for that super close shave.
After Use Washed and Dried: Ensure you completely wash off the residue from your razor blade. Any moisture left in it could encourage rusting, leading to bluntness of this type.

Golden Hair Shaper Thinning Razor

Blue Hair Shaper Thinning Razor

Black Hair Shaper Thinning Razor

Silver Hair Shaper Thinning Razor